Clinical indicators / Data Collection Indicators


An extensive literature review was undertaken that led to the formation of the evidence-based indicators that are the basis system (Stilz, Baker & Madan 2012). A total of 20 indicators were developed and are gradually being added to the system as each round of data inputting progresses. The indicators represent a broad range of OH practice and have been assigned a target standard that services should aim to achieve. MoHaWK requires OH services to measure and input data once every six months (currently May & November). You do not have to complete / participate in every indicator – just the ones that are relevant to your service. An overview of the indicators that are within the system are listed below:

Long term Sickness absence

This area considers elements of an OH Practitioners consultation assessment when an employee has been absent for > than 4 weeks or more.

It reviews – whether mental health has been assessed (irrespective of the primary reason for absence), whether temporary or permanent modification of work arrangements have been considered and whether communication with the treating doctor (GP or specialist) has taken place (copy of the report or request for medical report)

Back Pain

Consultations for back pain should document considerations for yellow flags.

Protection of Infection

This section reviews the activity that is undertaken to protect workers from infection. There are two indicators so far – ensuring that workers who are at risk of occupational exposure to hepatitis B should have their response to vaccine confirmed having completed a course of immunisation and that Healthcare workers with a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox and shingles should be tested for VZV antibodies.

Blood Exposure Incident assessment

There is just one indicator in this area currently which explores whether workers who have sustained a needle stick injury / blood exposure incident with a high risk of HIV exposure should receive PEP within 60 minutes.

Experience / Timely Intervention

After referral of an individual to occupational health, the individual should be seen promptly and the manager should receive timely written advice from the occupational health department. In addition, this area explores the feedback of both workers and managers who interact with your service.

Health Surveillance

The health surveillance section has two indicators in place at present.

One is related to Occupational asthma and the history that is taken by the OH Practitioners in new workers who are exposed to substances known to cause occupational asthma (i.e. respiratory sensitisers).

The other relates to dermatitis - where the Occupational Health practitioners should be documenting access at work to both soap and emollients in the consultation notes when undertaking skin assessments in relation to contact dermatitis

Health Promotion

There is a full area relating to the health promotion activity relating to Obesity within your organisations. This reflects the NICE Guidance

Data Collection

When you first enter data there is a ‘Profile Page’ to complete. This is data about your service and will aid benchmarking in the future against similar sectors / size of service. If you do not know all the data in this area – you can choose to skip this page and go straight to the data entry pages